The right colour office chair can significantly impact your mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Choosing the right colour office chair can help boost your energy, inspire creativity and even improve your sleep.


Black is the most popular colour choice for office chairs, and it’s easy to see why. Black is a classic, sophisticated, professional colour that fits any office environment. It also matches almost any decor scheme and other furniture pieces you may have in your office space.

If you are looking for something that will go with almost everything else in your work area without being too loud or attention-grabbing, black is probably your best bet.


Red is a very strong colour and can be used to grab attention. It’s best to use red in small doses because too much can make the space feel stuffy or claustrophobic.

Use red as an accent colour on your office chair (such as on the armrests) instead of making it the primary colour of your entire chair. Red also makes an excellent branding choice when paired with other colours like black or white–you’ll know exactly who owns that office chair.


Green is a colour that reduces stress, so if you want a chair to help reduce your stress levels, green is the way to go. The green colour also represents nature and wellness. You should consider it if you want a chair that represents your love of nature.

The green office chair is also great for those who want their office to feel like home. The green colour can help create a feeling of warmth in your office, which will makes it more inviting and comfortable for guests or employees who visit.


Purple is an expensive colour, so if you want something that will last and stand out in your office, this might be the right choice. Purple is regal and feminine, making it a great choice for those looking to make a statement with their office chairs. If purple isn’t your thing, but you still want something that stands out above other chairs, consider getting black or white instead.

Purple can also be calming, which is great when working long hours at the office or in general situations where stress might arise (i.e., traffic).

Yellow and Orange Mix

In the same way that yellow and orange are complementary colours, they are also warm colours. Yellow is a bright colour that can create an energetic and uplifting environment for your office space. Orange is a cheerful colour that will bring life into your workstation without being too overpowering or distracting.

While both hues are bright, neither is too bright or harsh on the eyes. Instead, they provide a pleasant glow that makes people feel happy around it.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that colour is just one part of the equation when it comes to finding the right office chair. You also need to consider the size, shape and features that suit your needs best. But if you have a particular colour in mind, we hope this guide has helped narrow down your search.